TotalEnergies EP Nederland B.V.  

TotalEnergies EP Nederland B.V., a major gas producer in the Netherlands and Dutch affiliate within the Exploration & Production branch of the global integrated energy company TotalEnergies, has been a customer of Bibby Marine since 2017, chartering Bibby WaveMaster 1 for an approximate 180-220 days annually. TotalEnergies The contract with Total has recently been extended for a further three years and the vessel has been fully integrated into TotalEnergies EP Nederland’s way of working.

“Bibby Marine provides our workforce with reliable quarters and supportive crew, enabling them to carry out their day-to-day activities safely, efficiently, and comfortably. What is important for TotalEnergies EP Nederland is that Bibby Marine's crew and our crew work together as one team, i.e., the ship's crew and the client's crew are integrated as much as possible. This has resulted in successful, safe, and efficient operations”.

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